Voting Information

vopting info age

Current homeowners ages 65 and over will not be impacted by the passage of this bond. Their school taxes will not go above the frozen levy amount/ceiling that was established when the Over-65 exemption was granted (unless improvements or additions are made to the residence). To have your school taxes frozen, you must file a homestead application with the appropriate appraisal district and be granted the Over-65 exemption.

In 2019, Texas Legislators passed a new law as part of HB 3 that requires all bond propositions for any school district to have the phrase ‘THIS IS A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE’ on all ballot language for bond propositions. Due to this requirement, all voters will see this statement on the official ballot language, even when there is no tax rate increase as a result of the bond.


To the registered voters of Panhandle Independent School District, Texas (A los votantes registrados en el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Panhandle, Texas): Notice is hereby given that the polling places below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on November 7, 2023 for voting in a special election to consider the following (Por la presente se da aviso de que los lugares de votación a continuación estarán abiertos de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. el 7 de noviembre de 2023 para votar en una elección especial para considerar las siguientes):

Proposition a: the issuance of $13,144,108 of bonds by the panhandle independent school district for school facilities and the levy of taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds. This is a property tax increase. (proposición a: La emisión de $13,144,108 en bonos por parte del distrito escolar independiente de panhandle para instalaciones escolares y la imposición de impuestos suficientes para pagar el capital y los intereses de los bonos. Este es un incremento del impuesto a la propiedad.)

Proposition b: the issuance of $5,624,305 of bonds by the panhandle independent school district for school stadium facilities and the levy of taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds. This is a property tax increase. (proposición b: La emisión de $5,624,305 en bonos por parte del distrito escolar independiente de panhandle para instalaciones de estadio escolar y la imposición de impuestos suficientes para pagar el capital y los intereses de los bonos. Este es un incremento del impuesto a la propiedad.)

Proposition c: the issuance of $500,000 of bonds by the panhandle independent school district for school technology improvements and the levy of taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds. This is a property tax increase. (proposición c: La emisión de $500,000 en bonos por parte del distrito escolar independiente de panhandle para mejoras de tecnología escolar y la imposición de impuestos suficientes para pagar el capital y los intereses de los bonos. Este es un incremento del impuesto a la propiedad.)

On election day, voters must vote in their precinct where registered to vote (El día de elección, los votantes deberán votar en su precinto donde están inscritos para votar): 101:  Groom Community Center (Centro Social Del Pueblo), 100 Broadway, Groom, TX 79039; 102, 401: White Deer Community Center (Centro Social Del Pueblo), 5th & Paul, White Deer, TX 79097; 103, 201: Carson County War Memorial Building (Monumento Conmemoriativo do Guerra), 500 Main Street, Panhandle, TX 79068; 301: Panhandle Junior High School (In la escuela secundaria de Panhandle), Gym, Comer of 11th & Euclid, Panhandle, TX 79068; 302: Carson County Precinct Barn #3 (En el Condado de Carson en el edificio del Pecinto No. 3), 501 Mesquite, Fritch, TX 79036.

Location, days, and hours for early voting by personal appearance (Ubicación, días y horas de votación anticipada en persona): Carson County War Memorial (Monumento Conmemoriativo do Guerra), 500 Main Street, Panhandle, TX 79068

October 23-27, 2023 (23-27 de octubre de 2023) 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

October 28, 2023 (28 de octubre de 2023) 7:00 am – 7:00 pm

October 30-November 1, 2023 (30 de octubre-1 de noviembre de 2023) 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

November 2-3, 2023 (1-2 de noviembre de 2023) 7:00 am – 7:00 pm

Applications for voting by mail should be received no later than the close of business on October 27, 2023 (Las solicitudes de votación por correo deben ser recibidas a más tardar al cierre de operaciones del 27 de octubre de 2023). Applications should be sent to (Se deben enviar las solicitudes a): Early Voting Clerk (Secretario de votación anticipada): Gayla Cates; mailing address (dirección de envio): P.O. Box 487, Panhandle, TX 79068; physical address (dirección física): 501 Main St., Panhandle, TX 79068; phone (teléfono): 806-537-3873; fax (fax): 806-537-3623; email (correo electrónico):

District’s website (sitio web del Distrito):

County’s website (sitio web del Condado):


October 10


Monday, Oct. 23 - Friday, Oct. 27: 8 am - 5 pm

Saturday, Oct. 28: 7 am - 7 pm

Monday, Oct. 30 - Wednesday, Nov. 1: 8 am - 5 pm

Thursday, Nov. 2 - Friday, Nov. 3: 7 am - 7 pm


Carson County War Memorial Building
500 Main, Panhandle TX 79068


November 7


Carson County War Memorial Building