Contact Info:
Elementary Teacher Pages

Amber Light

Brooke Kirby

Brynn Brown
Contact Info:
Jennifer Weinheimer
Contact Info:

Jessica Brandt
Contact Info:

Kim Ewing

Kristi Cameron
Contact Info:
Work Phone:
806-537-3579 1133
Cell Phone:
Conference Times:
11:00am -11:50 am
Class Room Number:
Educational History:
I grew up in New Home,Texas which is 18 miles south of Lubbock. I graduated from Texas Tech University in 1987.
Degrees and Certifications:
I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Education with a specialization in Physical Education.
Family Information:
My husband's name is Ray Cameron. We have been married for 33 years. We are blessed with one son who attended Panhandle ISD 1st grade until graduation. Jacob is a graduate from Texas Tech University earning a degree in Wind Energy Engineering. He has a daughter, Kambri, who is 8 years old and a daughter Hadley who is 16 months and they both are the light of our life. We also have bonus grands… Dusty who is a Senior this year and
Peytan a 7th grader and Kinzley a 4th grader who have also brought great joy to our lives.
Personal Information:
My husband and I love to play golf when we can. Our main focus is spending time with our family, especially our grandchildren.

Marilyn Johnstone
Contact Info:
Conference Times:
9:00 - 9:55
Class Room Number:
Educational History:
Graduated Buffalo High School, Buffalo, Oklahoma
Attended Frank Phillips College and Graduated WTAMU
Current Position:
Began teaching in Panhandle August of 2016
Previous Position:
Taught in Borger for 20 years
Taught one semester in Jubail, Saudi Arabia
Family Information:
I have been married for 36 years, and we have 3 children and 5 grandchildren.
Personal Information:
My husband and I love to take old houses and restore them to new. My husband and I are both readers, we love to travel, and are both very good at spoiling our grandchildren. My faith in God is a very important part of my life, and I love being a part of giving to areas of great need especially clean water and food to other countries as well as needs here in the U.S.

Megan Barbour
Contact Info:

MeLinda Shemwell
Contact Info:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Class Room Number:
Educational History:
I graduated from Panhandle High School and continued my education at Texas Tech University.
Degrees and Certifications:
I obtained a bachelors degree in education with a minor in art from Texas Tech. I attended the Scottish Rite learning center in Lubbock Texas where I earned my Dyslexia Therapist certification. I am also a CALT (Certified Academic Language Therapist) associate. I have also earned multiple other reading certificates throughout my 25 years of teaching.

Patricia Heck
Contact Info:

Rebecca Foreman
Contact Info:

Rebecca James

Rene Heck
Contact Info:
Conference Times:
Class Room Number:
Educational History:
Graduate of Panhandle High School & Texas Tech University
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science Degree- Exercise & Sport Sciences
Texas Teacher Certified - *General Education 4th-8th
*P.E. & Health Education 6th-12th
Current Position:
I have had the privilege of being the 5th grade Math teacher at Panhandle Elementary for the past 15 years.
Prior to my current position, I was a substitute teacher for Panhandle Junior High and High School for 6 years.
Previous Position:
After graduating from Texas Tech, I was employed by Shallowater ISD as a Junior High girls basketball and track coach.
Family Information:
My husband, Derek and I have two children.
Our daughter, Hunter Rene is a student at the University of Virginia Law.
Our son Houston is a student at Texas Tech University.

Sabra Birdsong
Contact Info:

Stacy Conway
Contact Info:
Conference Times:
2:10 - 3:05
Class Room Number:
Educational History:
Canadian High School, Canadian TX
Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX
Degrees and Certifications:
BS Ag Communications
MS Ag Education
Family Information:
I have been married for 20 years – wow! My husband is Gary Conway. I have two fabulous sons ~ Will is 13 and Wyatt is 12.

Tiffany Harris
Contact Info: