Elementary Parent Involvement Policymmmmm

Title I Parent Involvement Policy

Panhandle ISD is committed to providing quality education for every student in our district. To accomplish this, we will develop and maintain partnerships with parents and community members. A positive link exists between the district, campus, and home creating the most conducive learning condition for each child. All students in Panhandle ISD receive a quality education through diverse and nurturing educational experiences. Our District recognizes the fact that some students need extra assistance. All students are eligible for extra assistance as needed. Title I provides supplemental resources to help students to meet the State student performance standards. Students will be given every opportunity for success through the development and enhancement of the home-school partnership.

Parent Involvement in Developing the Policy

A District Advisory Committee comprised of parents, members of the community, and the principal will meet to discuss the design and implementation of the Parent Involvement Policy.

Annual Meeting of Title I Parents

Panhandle ISD / Panhandle Elementary School will hold two meetings for parents during each school year. Parents will be informed of new Title I guidelines and the variations from the previous year's program. Copies of the current Parent Involvement Policy and school Compact will be distributed.

Matching Programs to the Needs of Our Community

The community will be consulted in the design, development and implementation of the Title I program. Parent and student needs will be assessed through parental suggestions as well as a variety of other measures targeted at creating a successful school environment. Workshops and programs will be tailored to meet the unique student and parental needs. Parents will be informed of involvement activities through the school and district offices.

Staff/Parent Communication

Communication between the district, school, and parents will occur throughout the year. Newsletters, newspaper articles, conferences, district website, personal contacts, and written notices will be utilized to establish and maintain an open line of communication. The District solicits parent input through a variety of means to be actively involved in the instructional process, to encourage parental participation. Notices will be sent home in English, but if you require another language, please let the office know.


The District will review and evaluate all aspects of the program annually. The aim is to foster and build the school’s and parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement

There will be an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the Title I parental involvement program, and parent will be asked for their input. The evaluation will include an assessment of how much parental involvement is increasing and what barriers to parental participation still need to be overcome. As a result Panhandle ISD will revise its Parental Involvement Policy on the basis of this review.