Board of Trustees Responsibilies

School Board Members

The Board of Trustees acts as the school district's policy-making body and is the official representative of the people for all public education in Panhandle ISD. The Board functions according to state and federal laws, the rules and regulations established by the State Board of Education, the Texas Education Agency and the will of the people as expressed in district elections.

The seven member board, while composed of individuals, acts officially only as a group. No member or group of members acts in the name of the Board unless authorized by the Board. A majority of the Board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. Individual trustees, serving without pay, are elected for three-year terms on a rotating basis. Elections are conducted on the first Saturday in May.

The Board of Trustees elects a president, vice-president, and secretary to serve one-year terms. It selects and employs the superintendent and delegates the responsibility and authority for the operation of the school district to that chief executive officer. The superintendent advises Board members on all matters concerning school management.

Meeting Types

The regular business meetings of the Board of Trustees are open to the public and are usually scheduled for 7 p.m. every second Tuesday of the month in the Board Room next to the superintendent's office. There are times, in order to meet the needs of the board members, a regular meeting date is changed, or a special meeting is called. In crisis situations where immediate action is required, Texas law allows the Board to call an emergency meeting.

In accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Law, the Board has the privilege of meeting privately in a closed meeting to discuss matters related to personnel, student discipline, security, land acquisition or to consult with legal counsel. However, no action may be taken at an executive session.

Addressing the Board

An open forum section is normally designated on the agenda allowing individuals to address the Board. However, those wishing to do so must sign a "Request to Speak" form before the meeting begins. The forms are at the sign-in desk in the Board Room. Completed forms are submitted to the president who establishes a time limitation for speakers. The president then calls on those wishing to speak. Sometimes, if several visitors representing the same viewpoint have registered to speak, the president may ask them to designate one or two persons to speak for the group.

Although Board members may interrupt a speaker to ask questions or to make comments for clarification, state law prohibits debate, discussion, deliberation, or action on the subject presented unless it's an agenda item.

Order of Business

Board meetings begin with the pledge of allegiance to the United States flag, followed by an invocation, and recognition, if any, of students, staff or community members. Next is an open forum section.

Guided by the agenda, the Board discusses and acts on routine business items. Usually, these items have been discussed and studied at previous meetings allowing the Board to take informed action.